- Waterproof coat *
- Warm coat / jacket for activities
- Sun hat / sun lotion
- Wellingtons *
- Walking boots
- Trainers
- Outdoor shoes (which can get wet and muddy)
- Bin liners for dirty clothes / shoes
- Water bottle
- Backpack
- Underwear and socks
- T-shirts
- Trousers / tracksuit bottoms
- Jumpers
- Indoor shoes (clean trainers)
- Waterproof coat *
- Warm coat / jacket for activities
- Wellingtons *
- Walking boots
- Trainers
- Woolly hat and gloves
- Outdoor shoes (which can get wet and muddy)
- Water bottle
- Backpack
- Torch
- Underwear and socks
- T-shirts
- Trousers / tracksuit bottoms
- Jumpers
- Indoor shoes (clean trainers)
- Pyjamas / night clothes
- Casual clothes for the evening
- A small amount of pocket money for our tuck shop
- Slippers
- Wash kit and towel
- Bedding (sleeping bag and pillow)
- Blankets / duvets
- Towels
- Torch
Items listed with a ‘*’ can be borrowed from Lea Green if necessary.